French and English to be precise. Today I attempted to enliven the (potentially) onerous task of looking at verbs and adverbs following a slightly less-than-succesful "Shared Texts" session yesterday.
Confusion seemed to have arisen over the nature of an adverb so I devised a game to get all the children to firstly write down a verb of their choice, then to mime it at the same time as the rest of the class were miming theirs. After 45 seconds or so, all the children stopped and returned to their desks to write down the verbs they had seen. They then had another 45 seconds to perform and watch again before a second chance to write down. Even with some children away doing other things today, there were still 15 mimes going on - a hard task to follow them all!
The class then shared what they
thought they'd seen - a really useful exercise for two reasons: firstly they had the chance to say what they'd seen and maybe get it right but secondly - and perhaps more importantly - if they
didn't get it right they were still having to generate a verb.
We repeated the task by having the class choose and
adverb to accompany their verb action and the rest of the children were again invited to "
say what you see."
"Sprinting", "Writing"and "Skipping noisily"