Monday, 3 March 2008

Feedback books

This is an idea we've been trialling since October last year. In an effort to increase partnership with parents and to facilitate pupils taking responsibility for their own learning, each week - on a Friday morning - all pupils in the school consider what they've learned and achieved that week in relation to the learning targets from the week's lessons and "experiences."

They can, of course, choose to write about something they've picked up which was in outwith the planned outcomes and in many cases this is where the really valuable comments are to be found.

HMIe seemed to quite like this idea and its real beauty is in its simplicity: a duplicate book for every child. The fill out their slip, the teacher writes a formative (or sometimes just a nice, general) comment and the pupil takes the top copy home with the book remaining in school.

I'll post some examples later but comments and thoughts would be appreciated in the meantime.

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