Wednesday, 12 March 2008

RME - Paul and Barnabas

This session we've based our RME Christianity focus on the excellent scheme of work from Primary Vision. The activities have proven lively and stimulating for the children and the discussions arising have been far better than those I've normally been able to achieve with classes.

Today we looked again at the story of Paul & Barnabas. The aims of the lesson, according to the scheme of work were:

* To continue the story of Paul
* To reflect on the children's experiences of friendship

I chose a slightly different path for the class' activity than that suggested ("create a series of frozen tableaux to represent Paul and Barnabas' 'holiday photos' ") by giving the children 'frames' and asking them to create a Polaroid style holiday snap with accompanying caption of the missionary work of the men in the story.
The children came up with the following:

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